
1 Oct

It’s October!!!

I love October.  It means cooler weather, crunchy leaves, hot apple cider drinks, and enough rainy days to keep my angsty writer’s muse happy.

It also means there are three loan payments left this year.  Three more chances to meet my goal and pay off these loans.  As of today, there is just $3,523.91 standing between me and a full pay on the B.A. degree I earned four and a half years ago.

My October payment is scheduled for today, the full ideal payment of $1,334.  Since I FINALLY got my paycheck issues sorted out (it was a months-long process, and I didn’t talk about it much on here since I try not to whine to all of you… more than twice a month), I recieved a nice-sized check last week.  It covered six weekly timesheets, some dating back to May, a reimbursement from travel, and my first official full-time-job salary.

After a not-so-brief and furious mental battle, my practical side won out and I ended up saving most of the money.  After all, I’ll be apartment hunting in the new year and I’ll have graduate loans to start paying back.

Ugh. Graduate loans.  I don’t even want to think about how much those are.

Actually, I should probably go check.  Hang on.




Hmm, I’ve forgotten my password.  It’s been a while since I’ve logged into the site.  Where’s the reset button?



You know, it’s surprisingly easy to get access to my account without a password.


Ok, as of today, my graduate student loans have a balance of $68,769.72.

I knew I didn’t want to think about it.

I don’t even want to talk about it.

I was young. I was careless.  I fell victim to the promise of a stable economy.

But that’s a story for another post.

Today is a happy day, because I am $1,334 closer to being free of my undergraduate loans.  Just two more payments and that degree is paid off.  No more will I hear from Nelnet about the status of my loans.

Which is actually kind of sad, because they keep sending me letters like this:

Great Lakes won’t be sending me congratulatory letters like this. Great Lakes will be sending me vaguely-worded threats as to the location of their money. This has already begun, in fact.

I’ve gotten a letter like that each time I’ve paid off a group of my loans (three so far).  With October’s payment, I’ll pay off one more group.  I’ll be down to just Group E and its sinister interest rate of 6.8%.

I wonder what kind of letter Nelnet will send me in December?  Maybe one with a cat gif?

Maybe even this one?

I like this one.

So dance on, crazy cats.  It’s October and we’re that much closer to the end. 🙂

3 Responses to “October”

  1. j October 1, 2012 at 11:19 am #

    I live always with an underlying fear (and sometimes not so very underlying) that I will one day pay for my complete inability (or it could be unwillingness, but I feel there’s a genetic thing going on – a cellular fog around financial matters) to seriously monitor and understand my budget. Every time I read you I’m awed. It’s like I’m studying a whole different kind of being. 🙂

    • Losing My Cents October 1, 2012 at 11:36 am #

      Haha, I feel the same way whenever I read your blog. The ease with which you see the beauty in everyone and the comfort level you have with other people is something I can’t ever seem to achieve. It allows me to study a different kind of being as well, and I love that. 🙂

      • j October 1, 2012 at 11:42 am #

        Well, it’s easy to have ease online for me. I’m not quite as graceful in person, but I’m learning to embrace clumsy. xo

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